Saturday, July 11, 2015

Herold floor loom all stained

So far I have the loom all stained and put back together.  My son was such a big help with the staining. At one point we just stopped and looked at him (Herold) and marveled at the difference the stain made in the old loom. My Scott was working away at his milling machine making the new pieces that were missing. This is an amazing loom. Nothing fancy, it just works. It is special to me now because my son and Scott helped me bring it back to life. I am letting the stain soak in, then I will oil and wax him.

1 comment:

  1. Marie: This is an amazing transformation!!! Oh my goodness. You all should feel absolutely marvelous with all you've done to Harold. So like you to take something old and renew it with tenderness and care. Just beautiful.
